Migration from v2
1. set up the plugin
V3 need you to set up a Vue plugin before start using.
import { VueRecaptchaPlugin } from 'vue-recaptcha'
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(VueRecaptchaPlugin, {
2. Provide reCAPTCHA script
To load the reCAPTCHA script, you will need to call useRecaptchaProvider
in your app.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useRecaptchaProvider } from 'vue-recaptcha'
3. Use the components
Now you can start using the components
If you are using the "I'm not a robot" checkbox, please use the <Checkbox />
<Checkbox v-model="response" />
You can read more at here
If you are using the invisible reCAPTCHA, please use the <ChallengeV2 />
<ChallengeV2 v-model="response">
You can read more at here
Table of Contents